Arts & Culture
Cornell Celebrates Annual Israel Week
This upcoming week, from May 1 to May 7, Cornell will celebrate its annual Israel Week, run by Cornell Hillel. The week will focus on Israeli culture and traditions, with events ranging from a book fair to a food market, Tel Aviv Bar Night to Israel Shabbat and so much more.
There has never been a more critical time for Israel Week. Presently, an encampment stands on the Arts Quad, where only a few days ago protestors chanted together, “There is only one solution, intifada revolution” and “globalize the intifada.” This “intifada” they mention is referring to the First and Second Intifada, two Palestinian uprisings which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Israeli and Palestinian civilians. Calls for another intifada revolution are calls for violence against Israel and those who support Israel’s right to exist. Calls to “globalize” the intifada are worse.