WANG | Gillette is Chasing Profits, Not a Purpose

A YouTube commenter is apoplectic. “Just STOP buying Proctor and Gamble Products.” Another chimes in: “Gillette you just lost a 20 yr. customer.” Over the weekend, Gillette released a short film on YouTube titled “The Best Men Can Be” with a message that was simple, reasonable and needed: men should hold other men accountable for their actions. You’d think something level-headed would get a level-headed response in return. Instead, if you go by YouTube commentators, none seem too pleased.

EDITATION | The Yoga of College Life

Life can begin to feel like a dull routine, especially in an educational institution. You go to the same classes day after day, talk to the same people, eat the same food, etc. This repetitive lifestyle can get boring and depressing. On the other hand, each day is a new beginning. Today is the most important day of your life – because it’s today!