Movie Musings: Stop Loss

3 stars out of 4

The surprising thing about the new film produced by MTV Films Stop-Loss, is how insightful it is in the details of every scene. Though occasional touches such as the music montage slip into the film, it plays more like an insightful independent film than a stylized piece of entertainment, unafraid to depict life the way it really is.

Wiis and Human Nature

Several weeks ago, I had the thrill of receiving my first paycheck. I decided to celebrate by purchasing a Nintendo Wii gaming console. My friend had purchased one a few months ago and had warned me that it took him a few days to find one.

Plot, Story and Love

Plot is what is done to the characters—the external events that could occur to any individual. Story is what characters do—the internal events that happen only with one particular character: dialogue, behavior, reactions to other characters, etc. And what is love?

The Opposite of Complaining Is Love

“Life’s greatest happiness is to be convinced that we are loved.” Victor Hugo.

Is it any surprise that many are going to hate their Valentine’s Day weekend? Single people will struggle with feelings of loneliness upon not receiving any Valentines. Others may be disappointed by what their significant others do—or don’t do—for them.

Super Bowl-Inspired Philosophy

I firmly believe that anything can generate food for thought. Anything. For instance, the Super Bowl. When I read that it was the second most-watched television program of all time, it made me think hard about fandom.