MKRTCHYAN | My Trust Issues With Cornell

In this column, I will be bringing my experience as an example of how staff and faculty at Cornell can mistreat and mislead students trying to get SDS accommodations.

MKRTCHYAN | The Cost of Being Sick

For the past month, I have been to the hospital emergency room four times. I have seen two Cornell Health doctors during my three visits. I have called Cornell Health more than 10 times (at this point, I have honestly lost my count). I have been prescribed more than four prescriptions, two of which have been antibiotics packs. I have done nine tests in total. I’ve had an X-ray. And, I have been diagnosed with two illnesses.

WILK | In (Self) Defense of Accomodations

Last Wednesday, about Cornell 700 students were sitting in front of screens at around the same time. We were taking the prelim for HADM 4300: Introduction to Wines. Time-slotted within the mosaic of countless other prelims last week, it was joke material. 

The 135 question exam opened and closed in under two hours. And after, I felt a selfish comfort when my roommates looked as shaken by it as I was, but as we were debriefing, a difference dawned on me. Confidence aside, they had at least completed the exam.

GUEST ROOM | Living With a Disability at Cornell

I am a student at an Ivy League university, where I plan to major in mathematics with a possible double major in government. I earned an A+ for my first college math class, Theoretical Calculus II, and have advocated in front of three New York State senators, the lieutenant governor and the state comptroller. I have actively participated in the sport of fencing for more than five years, and hope  to one day become a certified referee. I have a rare congenital disorder called Larsen’s Syndrome which affects my muscular-skeletal system and has left me unable to walk. I require 24/7 nursing care, and assistance with many activities such as showering, preparing meals and transferring onto the toilet.