So every year, there is one team that switches up their look for the NCAA Tournament and this year its Marquette. If you don’t see this on television right now, they are all pretty much bald. I guess that’s cool. It shows team unity, even though defense and passing would already indicate that but that’s fine. I did a video story about that as well which you guys will be able to check out later on as well. When I spoke to standout guard Jerel McNeal about his coach not shaving his head, he said “Don’t worry, he will be bald by Friday” … sure enough he is. Now, I am down with the team haircuts and all but if I’m the head coach, I’m keeping my full head of hair as long as I can. Not to knock the Golden Eagles team unity but I’m just saying, If I’m in my mid-40’s and I got a full head of hair, I’m keeping it. Team unity or not.
Score update 7-4 Marquette and the first media timeout.