To the Editor:
Re: “Refining Resolution 44,” Opinion, Feb. 22
The Sun’s editorial board deserves praise for its healthy and honest look at Resolution 44, amending the Non-Discrimination Clause, which was recently approved by the Student Assembly. As the sponsors of that resolution, we would like to take this opportunity to clarify what Resolution 44 is and what it is not.
Let us be as clear as possible: Resolution 44 will ensure that student money is withheld from groups that do not provide an opportunity for all students to participate fully. Period.
After holes in the system were brought to light late last year during the Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship debacle, it was generally accepted that the University lacked the proper infrastructure to handle cases of discrimination by student groups. Resolution 44, now six months removed from those events, presents a levelheaded remedy of those short-comings and a major leap forward for equality and diversity at Cornell.
Opponents argue that the resolution is too broad and lacks the nuance needed for a successful non-discrimination policy. This misses the point. Let us emphasize that the resolution will not result in inspections of every student group’s constitution nor will anyone be judging what religious doctrines are approved, as was alluded to in the editorial. The resolution addresses discriminatory actions and does not censor thought or beliefs.
If students want to form an exclusive club centered around their own values, it is their right to do so. But not on the student body’s dime. That is Resolution 44.
Matt Danzer ’12, Student Assembly LGBTQ Representative at-Large
Andrew Brokman ’11, Student Assembly International Representative at-Large