Daze celebrates Earth Day (the other green holiday in April) with a look at the Seven Natural Wonders of Ithaca.
What’s wrong with this page? Seriously, (dear readers) this week there is a (very) slight change in one of the titles you’re looking at now. The answer is at the end of the letter, so keep reading!
Here at Daze enjoy our holidays. While 4/20 is sooo last week (actually, it’s this week, but it was in last week’s issue), we are overjoyed at celebrating Earth Day. Our over-excitment about Earth Day helps us ignore the fact that it’s still Stress Awarness Month (we’re so stressed out we just noticed). We like Earth Day anyway, though; not only do we recycle, but Allie’s favorite color just happens to be green. (Keri’s is black. Does that suprise anyone?)
This week we have a fresh cartoon courtesy of A.D. Muscente ’12, Sun Science Editor. Don’t forget to head online and think of a clever caption to go along with the extremely adorable kitten he drew!
The feature for this week is about the seven natural wonders of Ithaca, as cataloged by Daze Staff Writer Laura Shepard ’12. Disagree with the ones she picked? Head over to the newly designed Cornell Daily Sun website to sound off on what you believe belongs in the top seven.
The second feature in this week’s issue is meant to be a helpful guide to those often strange social bookmarking icons on the side of web pages. Not only could this information come up as a Jeopardy! question, but it could help you organize your bookmarks. (Separating your schoolwork sites from your, well, not schoolwork sites is important!)
Once again, we urge you to follow us on our Twitter page and become a fan of Red Letter Daze on Facebook. We want to hear your feedback so we can continue to introduce features and columns that are what you — the reader — actually want to read. Any thoughts you have on the section will always be taken into consideration. We can also be reached at [email protected]. With only two more issues of Daze left for the semester, this is your last chance to contribute to Red Letter Daze for spring 2010. (We’re looking at you, graduating seniors!) We also wish you good luck on any remaining prelims you might have (why Magical Mushrooms? WHY!?) By the way, we added an “S” to Letter From the Editor; if you actually found it you should probably consider the possibility that you may be spending far too much time reading Daze and probably far too little listening to you Tuesday/Thursday profs.
DAZEd and Confused,
Keri Blakinger
Allie Miller
Original Author: Allie Miller