March 1, 2020


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For the 138th time, The Sun elected yet another cast of editors and managers to attempt the wondrous and daunting task of steering this newspaper.

I can proudly say that we are here to work for you; for every reader and every non-reader, we will continue to unfurl facts, to showcase stories, to amplify voices and to highlight every nook and cranny of Ithaca and the Cornell community.

The 137th board saw immense section growth — departments across the board can proudly say that their continuous hard work, impeccable attitude and countless late nights paid off in ways we couldn’t have anticipated a year ago.

We’ve been here, rain, snow  or shine, to keep you informed since 1880. And rest assured that the 138th board — chock-full of talented, empathetic and fearless editors and managers — will continue to do so in creative ways. As the journalism industry continues to try to anchor communities together, know that The Sun will always prioritize the content that informs and expands the discourse thoughtfully and diligently, alongside a fun column or crossword.

Support us as we do so: read cover to cover, scroll headline to footer, offer us constructive feedback and challenge us to be better. We thank you for your support as The Sun maneuvers through the ever-changing media world; we appreciate our roots, and are excited to explore the future.

The 138th board is equipped and eager to embrace the unpredictable upcoming year.

— M. Z.