Tomlan Will Not Seek New Term

After a six-year tenure on the City of Ithaca Common Council, Mary Tomlan ’71 (D-3rd Ward) announced Saturday that she will not seek another term this fall.
Tomlan noted in a press release that city planning, the implementation of housing fund initiatives between Tompkins County and the University, collaboration with other municipalities and private entities and dealing with budgetary concerns in the current economy are some of the most pressing issues facing her successor.
According to her press release, Tomlan holds “great appreciation” for her constituents’ commitment to civic issues and their “participation in community dialogue.”

Students Face Off for Undergrad Trustee Spot

The election to fill Kate Duch’s ’09 undergraduate Student Trustee seat will be held next week. Candidates’ statements will be made public next Tuesday and elections will begin online at 8 a.m. that morning and close at 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 16.
Under the University’s charter, one undergraduate and one graduate student from Cornell’s Ithaca campus serve on the board of Trustees. As current student trustees, Mike Walsh grad and Duch serve as members of the trustee nominating committee, which oversees the election, so neither will be endorsing a candidate in this election.
A Sun-moderated panel discussion with the candidates will be held today from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Willard Straight Hall’s Art Gallery.

Like National Trend, Ithaca's Dailies Face Tough Times

Despite gloom-and-doom headlines across the country about the future of the newspaper industry, Ithaca’s two daily publications — while facing serious economic challenges — do not appear to be in danger of folding anytime soon.
The editors of The Ithaca Journal and The Sun maintain that although they are being forced to adapt to declining advertising revenues, their products will continue to hit newsstands.
The extinction of newspapers has been a frequent conversation of late among publishers and readers alike.

Students Express Satisfaction With Cornell Experience in Survey

Fourty-two percent of students consider their overall Cornell experience excellent, and 47 percent report it as good, according to the results released recently of the Cornell PULSE (Perceptions of Undergraduate Life and Student Experiences) survey administered in February.
The survey polled 6,063 students, 46 percent of the 13,206 to whom survey requests were sent. Questions addressed academic, extracurricular, social and financial concerns. Only 27 percent of students responded to a similar survey administered in 2007.

Students Relay for Cancer Research

Thousands of Cornell and Ithaca College students pulled all-nighters on Saturday for a perhaps more deserving cause than an unwritten paper or next-day exam.
The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life of Cornell and Ithaca College was held in Barton Hall this past weekend to raise money and awareness for all types of cancer research.
The Relay was kicked off by a celebratory “Survivors Lap,” as men and women distinguished by their purple shirts displaying “survivor” in bold print marched triumphantly, fueled by a steady applause from thousands of supporters.

Pest Infestation Threatens Hemlock Trees at Cornell

Hemlock roots led to Socrates’s famous end, but the trees themselves are facing a deadly threat on Cornell’s campus. A devastating infestation of wooly adelgids is currently invading the University’s hemlock trees.
The aphid-like insects appear as fluffy white sacs at the base of the needle, causing infected trees to die within four to eight years of exposure at nearly a 100-percent mortality rate.
Cornell natural areas staff first spotted signs of pest infestation about a month ago above Cascadilla Gorge, according to the University.
Hemlock wooly adelgids, an invasive species native to Japan, have now been identified in 19 areas of the Finger Lakes region, including Cornell Plantations, Cascadilla Gorge and Beebe Lake, according to a University press release.

Forum Emphasizes Tenants’ Legal Rights

Among the looming prelims and endless hours spent in the library, trouble with Collegetown leases is another stressor to the lives of many Cornell students.
Michael Danaher, New York Assistant Attorney General, took up some major issues with tenant and landlord rights yesterday afternoon in Willard Straight Hall in a forum sponsored by the Off-Campus Housing Organization.
The purpose of the discussion was to answer students’ questions and inform them of their rights and responsibilities when it comes to living off campus. A handful of students and a few members of the Ithaca community, including Svante Myrick ’09 of the Ithaca Common Council, gathered in the Straight’s memorial room to hear Danaher speak.

Architecture Students Demand More Dialogue with College

Calls for “no more incest” and a “new search” were pinned to the face of Sibley Hall early yesterday morning as part of an ongoing advocacy for openness by architecture students.
“The goal of all of this is to gain transparency within the school and to start a really rich dialogue between students and faculty,” said Andy Linn ’11.

[img_assist|nid=35496|title=Protest banner|desc=Architecture students posted a banner outside of Sibley Hall yesterday. The banner was put up around 5:00 a.m. and taken down by 8:30 a.m.|link=node|align=left|width=|height=0]