Into the Metaverse? The Future of Technology in a Budding VR World

In terms of the social and gaming landscapes, as described earlier, Meta imagines constructing a network of virtual realms through which people can hop with relative ease. You could go from a VR chat sandbox to a video game with friends to even collaborating in a conference room from your desk in a matter of minutes. The possibilities are endless — at least until full-dive comes out and we all turn into vegetables. 

Unwrapping Spotify Wrapped

So, as you swipe through your Spotify Wrapped this year, don’t be too harsh. It’s been a long year, and whatever you listened to helped get you through it. Post your stats on Instagram — or don’t. I promise nobody cares as much as you do.

When Did Sleep Go Out of Style?

Let’s face it: sleep just isn’t cool anymore, nor is it valued by society. Instead of encouraging exhausted people to get a good night’s sleep, society’s go-to advice is to have an energy drink and push through the pain.

What Even is Laziness?

It took me about a month to write this. Not to finish, but just to start. I’m not exactly sure why, but part of the problem is that this semester has been exhausting. It’s like everyone’s trying to make up for lost time, and I’ve overcommitted. By a lot.