Awful Anachronisms: A Cinderella (2021) Review

These are the perfect stories to be retold because of their universality and their unlimited potential for fluidity in presentation. However, one should not strip so many elements of the original story that it becomes bland, nor abuse the fluidity to ignore worldbuilding. Cinderella 2021 does both.

Bad Movie Digest: ‘The Kissing Booth 3,’ ‘He’s All That’

So yes, The Kissing Booth 3 was still a bad movie; it wasn’t as in-your-face cringeworthy as the first two, but as a result it dragged on forever and failed to capture my attention. Lucky for me, Netflix had another bad film this month to make up for the shortcomings of Kissing Booth 3.

‘Dear Evan Hansen’ Brings its Powerful Message to Film

Having watched the musical on Broadway, I was ecstatic to see how Dear Evan Hansen translated to the format of a movie. I can say without a doubt that I was blown away by how powerfully the film came across in its depiction of mental illness and reminders of the persistence of hope through tragedies and mistakes. Audiences are sure to leave the theater feeling moved by the film’s strong emotions.  

Movie Contracts in the Age of Streaming

A lack of transparency about movie metrics on streaming services has persisted since the founding of Netflix. Questions about how viewership translates into revenue and whether or not certain productions draw in new subscribers remain unanswered

GUEST ROOM | Living College Through Film

There is this foreign feeling which emerges from watching what should be your life play out on screen: every once in a while, when watching a movie or an episode of television, I notice characters are not wearing masks, not socially distancing or going out to parties and restaurants, and think “that can’t be made today.” Otherwise realistic works of art are sapped of that reality when the crushing changes of the pandemic sink in — and it becomes all the more painful when that work of realistic art is meant to represent your youth.

King Kong’s Embodiment of the Male Power Fantasy

King Kong’s embodiment of the male power fantasy allows viewers to live vicariously through him as he releases his aggression on the world. He is able to express the anger and belligerence that humans often feel without the expectation of being human.

Mortal Kombat Gets the “R” It Deserves

This is not the first, or even the second, Mortal Kombat film. Over two decades ago, two separate live action Mortal Kombat films were released. The second was a major critical and commercial flop (leading to a twenty-four year pause before they tried again), but the first was an unexpected success. 1995’s Mortal Kombat is still widely embraced by fans and has solidified itself as an essential nineties-cheese cult classic. However, despite how fun the original Mortal Kombat was and still is, it lacked the defining aspect that, to many fans, defines Mortal Kombat: gore.

Theaters and Streaming Past the Pandemic

Besides, after a year of constantly streaming during quarantine, how many people will actually want to keep watching new films at home when the option of going back to theaters becomes safer and more widely available?