Better Call Nobody

While films like “John Wick” and “Taken” featured stars who had done action for a while, Bob Odenkirk is best known for his comedic roles. As part of a college press round table, he shared insights into his transition to the action genre.

Picture Perfect: Cinemapolis to Reopen for Private Movie Screenings

Cinemapolis, Ithaca’s beloved independent movie theater, is coming out with a reimagined cinema experience. Starting on March 12, movie lovers will be able to book one of five private rooms with up to 15 guests. Guests can preorder snacks and drinks from the concession stand to enhance their experience.

‘Borat’ is Realer Than Reality

‘Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan’ is its own kind of horror movie.

LU | Becoming the Main Character

Part of the main character trend pitfalls into an obsession with being different, and using one’s individualism — whether it’s in fashion and self expression, habits, or even taste — as cultural currency.

The Magic of Studio Ghibli

The renowned director, leader and figure head of Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki, after announcing his retirement in 2013, announced recently that he will be returning again to the industry.