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WAITE | Unmasking the Racist Infection of the Coronavirus

My freshman year in high school, I was playing an improv game in my theatre class. Everyone stood in a circle; one person began acting out what object or noun they were and then someone else jumped into the circle, acting as another object or noun that was subsequently added to the scenario. Usually, if people’s instinctive responses to playful prompts are not racist, the game is light-hearted. For instance, if one person jumps in acting like a dog, the next person jumps in acting like a fire hydrant. But alas, as the second round of the improv game progressed, it quickly turned volatile: One person jumped in saying they were a police officer and immediately after, the next person said they were “an african american” and then the following person jumped in with wide eyes and waving hands, exclaiming that he was “Ebola.” I left the room after this, so I am not sure how the game continued.

S.A. Votes to Increase Byline Funding for EMS, MGFC, ISU

The Student Assembly approved Thursday increases in byline funding for Cornell University Emergency Medical Services, the International Students Union and the Multicultural Greek and Fraternal Council Thursday, kicking off its funding cycle of 2019. If these increases are approved by the S.A. at the end of the semester, they will go into effect in 2020.