Got Baggage? Inside Cornell’s Luggage Transport Woes
Amid baggage limits and rising shipping prices, students face difficulties returning to school with all their belongings.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Amid baggage limits and rising shipping prices, students face difficulties returning to school with all their belongings.
Three Cornell students launched Revy, a carpooling app that aims to address a lack of adequate transportation options when traveling to and from the University.
Several students share their experiences on OurBus, a popular option among bus services for travelling from and to campus.
Students who travel with OurBus in and out of Ithaca might no longer be able to do so after May 15, when OurBus’s permit to use the Green Street bus terminal will expire.
OurBus, a transportation service that operates in the area, recently added a year-round route between Ithaca and Long Island, with stops along the North Shore of Long Island.
The company also promises special routes out of Ithaca over fall and Thanksgiving breaks that will include White Plains, Albany and Long Island in New York, Boston, Paramus, New Jersey and Stamford, Connecticut.