Letter to the Editor: On proposed T21 tobacco law

To the Editor:

I represent the Fourth District on the Tompkins County Legislature, which covers a good part of the Commons, East Hill, Collegetown and the Cornell West Campus.  I am writing to make Cornell students who may live in the District aware of a public hearing (Tuesday, April 18, 5:30 p.m. at the Tompkins County Legislature Chambers) on a Local Law known as “T21” to raise the age to purchase tobacco and tobacco products from 18 to 21. I do not smoke and see no upside to smoking.  The marketing of tobacco intentionally focuses on teens, as that is the age where lifetime addiction is most likely to take hold.  An important goal of T21 is to make it a bit harder to get that first cigarette.

The Secret Life of Plants

In the early 1980s, plant to plant communication was a controversial topic of research because well, suggesting plants can talk is rather absurd, right? Apparently not. According to Prof. Andre Kessler, ecology and evolutionary biology, plants issue chemical warnings that help their colonies survive pest attacks. “At my Ph.D., we were already looking for volatile compound emissions. These are emitted in response to some sort of damage.