Rep. Hinchey Visits C.U. For Podcar Convention

The age of the Jetsons is finally upon on us.
Yesterday evening, an international delegation of academics, engineers and policy makers gathered in the Johnson Museum to mark the commencement of the three-day Podcar City Conference — one devoted to further developing the use of Personal Rapid Transit. Representative Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.) expressed his excitement concerning the convention by addressing the positive implications of the proposed alternative mode of transportation[img_assist|nid=31710|title=Open up to the future|desc=Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.) speaks at the opening event of the Podcar City Conference at the Johnson Museum yesterday.|link=node|align=left|width=|height=0], which involved computer-programmed cars run on elevated guide-ways.

Noise Violations Stack Up Against Cornell Students

Number of sweaty college kids squeezed into the confines of a small Collegetown house: 78. Quantity of red and blue cups strewn around the residence: 52. Amount owed to the Ithaca Police Department due to noise violations: too pricey to joke about.
Over the past two and a half weeks, Collegetown residents have accrued a wave of noise ordinance violations issued by the Ithaca Police Department, creating frustration amongst the students.
“Noise travels beyond property lines, and consideration of any neighbor, student or not, should always be in front of any perceived ‘right to party,’” said Deputy Chief of Cornell Police Kathy Zoner.

Prospective Students React to 2008 Cornell Days

Each April, while students are graced with a sample of what spring weather should be like, newly-accepted students are invited to get a small taste of Cornell.
This year’s Cornell Days, which runs from April 10 to April 21, has played host to 544 students and 1305 visitors as of Sunday.
According to the Undergraduate Admissions Office’s website, the program allows prospective students to immerse themselves in the Cornell culture both academically and socially. During each of eight designated days, there are over 30 different organized activities for visiting students and their families.

Program Aims to Limit Number of Deer

For years, the Cornell campus and surrounding areas have played host to an overabundant population of deer — and many feel the time has come to draw the line. In an effort to reduce the negative impacts associated with deer over-population, the Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with several other organizations has decided to undertake the Cornell University Integrated Deer Research and Management Study.
“In a nut shell, what we’re doing is trying to manage the deer population to bring it within the biological and social carrying capacity of the land,” said Dr. Jay Boulanger, extension associate and deer program coordinator.

Apples May Improve Health

An apple a day may now actually keep a specific doctor away. Recently, Cornell food scientists discovered that apples, along with a family of other fresh fruits and vegetables, may diminish the risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Prof. Chang Y. Lee, Food Science and Technology, lead researcher in the study, has teamed with visiting scientists and a slew of graduate and postdoctoral students to tackle research that has spanned more than 15 years.

Wind Ensemble Brings Music, Service to Costa Rica

For the second time in its history, Cornell’s Wind Ensemble will venture to Costa Rica, equipped not only to play music, but also to distribute extra instruments in an effort to augment the growth of two schools’ music departments. Set to depart from Cornell on Jan. 9, this division of C.U. Winds is well underway in preparation.
According to the president of the Wind Ensemble, Christine Marschilok ’08, the idea for the tour originated years ago when conductor Prof. Cynthia Johnston-Turner, music, received word from a contact in Costa Rica that a new school, Escuela de Música Matapalo, needed advice regarding how to properly foster a music program. The school’s concern also included how to go about obtaining instruments.

Ithaca Plays Host To Insect Swarm

“It’s a zoo in there!”
This past weekend, the entomology department held its fourth annual Insectapalooza, a festival devoted to the rich diversity of insects. The playful pun, elicited from an exiting attendee, speaks to the event’s large attendance, not only by the community but also by a host of various insects.
Organized by a committee of faculty and graduate and undergraduate students in the entomology department, the first Insectapalooza was held in 2004 to acknowledge the 100th anniversary of Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life Science.

Election Supervisor Says Voting Process is Flawed

Since the United States democracy operates in such a way that every citizen of 18 years and older has the right to cast a vote, one would imagine that every citizen’s vote would have the right be counted. According to Ion Sancho, supervisor of elections for Leon County, Fla., however, this is not at all true.
This past Saturday, New Yorkers for Verified Voting invited Sancho to speak to the public concerning issues of the flawed voting processes that occur in the country.

Profs Discredit Psych Research

According to a recent article published in The Wall Street Journal, many feel that psychological research departments on college campuses operate with too narrow a testing pool. The article asserts that the strict use of college students as study subjects provides only a slim demographic for research, ultimately limiting research findings.
At a university like Cornell, where students always have the opportunity to sign up for psychological experiments, the controversy is especially compelling.
“Psychologists have traditionally always used the population that is most available to them,” said Prof. David Smith, psychology.

Professor Researches Human Genome

According to a recent Cornell study, there may be something other than time that separates us from our deep ancestral backgrounds. In June of this year, several Cornell professors published a report in the Public Library of Science indicating that as much as 10 percent of the human genome has been subject to adaptations at the molecular level. They assert that the genome, the genetic context of an organism, has been altered by natural selection.