2018 Election
Five Cornell Alumni Secure Spots in Congress
Five of the nine Cornell alumni running for Congressional office secured a victory.
The Cornell Daily Sun (https://cornellsun.com/author/alishagupta/)
Five of the nine Cornell alumni running for Congressional office secured a victory.
President Pollack endorsed a compromise consensual relationships policy on Monday.
The final, approved guidelines give the elections committee the authority to interpret the elections rules during a Challenge Review Hearing; however, the guidelines specify that the Judicial Codes Counselor is not beholden to this interpretation.
The Presidential Task Force on Campus Climate submitted three preliminary reports to President Pollack on Tuesday, recommending that Cornell provide more diversity education and be allowed to punish students for creating a “hostile environment.”
The Consensual Relationships Policy Committee recommended a ban on all sexual and romantic relationships between faculty members and graduate or professional students who are affiliated with the same graduate field or degree program.
Although the two new consensual relationship policies proposed by the committee are nearly identical, it is the difference between the two policies that has drawn the sharpest criticism and strongest debate.
Ava DuVernay, the first black female director to have her movie nominated for a Golden Globe and Academy Award, will address Cornell’s Class of 2018 during Convocation on May 26 as the keynote speaker.
After a presentation from the co-chairs of the Committee on Organizational Structures in the Social Sciences explaining the proposal, assembly members raised concerns about the potential merger of the School of Industrial and Labor Relations and the College of Human Ecology.
The 46th Vice President’s speech has been rescheduled for May 1.
“It’ll save a lot of time and energy on both sides,” said Charles Kruzansky, associate vice president for government relations.