Walroth said that, while creating a legal insurance company for students completely independently from the University was possible, there would be no way to enforce payment collection from members.
Gabe Kaufman ’18, undergraduate representative to the University Assembly, said the resolution’s intention was to create a committee “to investigate possibly restructuring the membership composition of the Student Assembly and to issue a formal report on its suggestions and recommendations.”
Members of the Cornell Orientation Steering Committee and Student Assembly addressed concerns from first year students at a forum hosted during Thursday’s Student Assembly meeting at Robert Purcell Community Center. After concluding the S.A. general meeting, President Jordan Berger ’17 opened the forum by asking members of the community — especially first-year students — to come forward and share what they felt was missing from their transition to Cornell. OSC co-chair Ethan Kramer ’17 — along with OSC members Finn McFarland ’18 and Emily Hunsinger ’18 — fielded questions from the community. After a few minutes of discussion, ILR student Joseph Anderson ’20 sparked a long conversation on the required orientation events Tapestry and Speak About It by recalling a hostile exchange between a student moderator and an audience member during a Tapestry question and answer session. “At least in [my Tapestry event], it got very hostile between the student moderator and the students who were questioning,” Anderson said.
“For the rest of the year, I’m just hoping Vita can grow our number of sales so that I’m able to get a huge amount of supplies for Austin Street; we’ll make our donation around the holidays,” said Daniel Abaraoha ’18
“This is a holding position until a new, permanent president comes to Cornell,” Rawlings said. “So in that sense, don’t ask me what long range plans I have because I don’t have any and I shouldn’t have any. Feel free to ask me all other stuff and I’ll answer as best I can.”
“Our president, this force of nature, refused to surrender to her disease and refused to allow it to define her,” said Provost and Acting President Michael Kotlikoff.
The University Assembly broke procedure to pass a symbolic resolution expressing condolences and appreciation for President Elizabeth Garrett at its Tuesday meeting. The assembly then turned to discussion of the construction of Gannett Health Service’s new facility. U.A. Chair Matthew Battaglia ’16 began the meeting with a moment of silence honoring President Garrett and sponsored a resolution expressing the assembly’s willingness to assist the administration “in any way necessary” during the transition after Garrett’s death. Although not enough members were present for a vote, Battaglia broke procedure and motioned for the U.A. to carry out a vote over email. “This resolution is exceptionally self-explanatory, since President Garrett unfortunately and tragically passed away this past Sunday,” he said.
“[The MPH program] is going to be a lot of different disciplines with a focus on public health. We’ve all got something to bring to the table when it comes to public health.”
Despite President Emeritus David Skorton’s support for the 2035 carbon neutrality goal, President Elizabeth Garrett has said that the University will not commit to the campaign. The Student Assembly urged Garrett to reconsider.