Cornell Dining Quarantine Meals Report

When stuck inside with nowhere else to go, food may be the only exciting part to a student’s day. The rush of dopamine and their taste buds return to life when eating vibrant, tasty food can motivate a student to push through another day of quarantine. One opening of the lunchbox could reveal a variety of cuisines ranging from pasta to tofu scramble … at least that’s what students hoped for when picking up their Cornell Dining meals, provided three times a day by the University during students’ mandatory 14-day quarantine upon reaching campus. Instead, one word described the quarantine meals given to students: Repetitive. As students began to move in on Aug.

Quarantine Cooking Across the Country

When the Food System Fails — Minneapolis, Minn. My mother is a stubborn and hard working Lutheran, born and raised in Minnesota. Growing up, her mother, grandmother and aunts would always be making buns, biscuits, cookies, cakes, pies, loaves and hot dishes of all kinds. These were staples, found fresh or frozen at all times, because they make you feel at home. These are foods you make to endure stressful times, and no time in my life has been as tough as right now.

Franny’s: A Quiet Surprise

Franny’s food truck is a campus eatery located behind Sibley Hall. Being a non-traditional campus eatery, many may argue against Franny’s quality of food and service as compared to other dining options on campus. In any case, Franny’s is certainly the least well-known dining option on campus. First and foremost, a trip to Franny’s requires a long walk from main campus. Furthermore, Franny’s lacks covered seating, an off-putting concern during the cold winter season. With such stiff competition among dining eateries across campus, it is difficult to understand why one would choose to eat at Franny’s.