SEX ON THURSDAY | Suck It Up: Valentine’s Day
I am not here to provide a hot take on why everyone should love the Day of Love, but I do want to talk about healthy spite, putting out what you wish to attract and attitude adjustment.
The Cornell Daily Sun (https://cornellsun.com/tag/couples/)
I am not here to provide a hot take on why everyone should love the Day of Love, but I do want to talk about healthy spite, putting out what you wish to attract and attitude adjustment.
In honor of Valentine’s day, the Sun spoke with five couples who got married at Cornell.
I do believe there’s something special about artist couples.
The second iteration of The Sun’s annual love and relationships survey offered the insights into the more intimate side of student life, including relationship statuses, hookup habits and dating experiences.
Everyone who knows me knows that I like to talk, and that I especially like to talk loudly about inappropriate things at inappropriate times and places. As one of my good friends once drunkenly slurred to me, I say “a whole lot of outta pocket shit.” Normally, this just gives me a reputation as someone that you probably shouldn’t introduce to your parents when they come visit, as well as the best person to tell any tea to if you want it spread as quickly and widely as possible. However, being known for being down to talk about anything, anytime, anywhere, has also lead to some more unforeseen consequences. When my best friend texted me one otherwise uninteresting Sunday in April last year asking for advice, I assumed it would be along the lines of how to do the homework for one of our shared classes or that he and his girlfriend were fighting and he needed me to decode a text. What I wasn’t expecting was for him to ask me how to pick a third for a threesome.
The Sun talked to married professors to discuss how they met, what teaching together is like, and on campus date ideas.
If you’re looking for love this Valentine’s Day, you might want to consider filling out the Cornell Business Analytic’s survey that matches people based on their personalities and preferences.