February Break Sparks Travel Plans for Underclassmen
Undergraduate students plan travel for Cornell’s February break.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Undergraduate students plan travel for Cornell’s February break.
Although some students felt that February Break was too short to provide a sufficient breather from school, other Cornellians seized the four day break to travel and relax.
As February Break comes to an end, first-year students find that their period of relaxation was filled with a heavy workload.
Students who stayed near Ithaca and Tompkins County over February Break were graced with abnormally sunny skies and 50 degree weather.
Every year, Cornellians travel around the country and world to get away from the cold of Ithaca for a couple days during February break. Unfortunately, by emitting greenhouse gases, traveling by car, plane or bus can contribute to climate change — with America’s transportation alone responsible for almost 30 percent of all global warming emissions in the US.
As students flock back to campus from various destinations, Prof. Danielle Eiseman, communication, weighed in on the most sustainable methods for traveling.
OurBus, a transportation service that operates in the area, recently added a year-round route between Ithaca and Long Island, with stops along the North Shore of Long Island.