ROVINE | What I Eat in a Day: Quarantine Edition

Disclaimer: While I believe it’s important to find humor in even the most challenging circumstances, I do not want to diminish the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Food service workers are risking their lives to feed others, people are unable to access needed nutrients and some with eating disorders are suffering due to changes in their routines. Here are some ways to support those affected. While I’m not at “home home” making wholesome dinners with my family, I am having a blast eating popcorn all day long here in Ithaca. I’ve also had more time than ever to experiment with new recipes.

YANDAVA | Literature in Isolation

I often find that literature helps me make sense of the world in difficult times and gives me some comfort and solace when life feels chaotic and turbulent.

Quarantine Cooking Across the Country

When the Food System Fails — Minneapolis, Minn. My mother is a stubborn and hard working Lutheran, born and raised in Minnesota. Growing up, her mother, grandmother and aunts would always be making buns, biscuits, cookies, cakes, pies, loaves and hot dishes of all kinds. These were staples, found fresh or frozen at all times, because they make you feel at home. These are foods you make to endure stressful times, and no time in my life has been as tough as right now.

Mom Won’t Make Me Food Anymore

I won’t spend much time remarking on how unprecedented today’s circumstances are or emphasizing how important it is to self-isolate. These ideas have received their share of attention already. My parents, with their arduous Soviet mentalities, taught that in times of desperation and confusion, focus on those aspects of your life which are under your control. Instead of staring at the number of confirmed cases on, clean your room. Instead of worrying about the thousands of elders at risk, call your grandmother.

YANG | Around the World in Self-Isolation

As the pandemic is ravaging the world as we know it, it’s important for us to remind ourselves of normalcy, of the beauty of life and civilization, and one of the best ways to do that is through art.