SUNBURSTS | Demonstrations and Vigils

This past week, the Cornell and Ithaca communities came together to take a stand for and honor the causes and conflicts they are most passionate about. Cornell Graduate Students United — Wednesday, Oct. 2

Last Wednesday, approximately 180 Cornell Graduate Students United members and supporters gathered in front of Bailey Hall and Day Hall to protest the suspension of international graduate student Momodou Taal. (Ming DeMers/Sun Photography Editor)

CGSU argued the union should be able to bargain Taal’s suspension with the University under a Memorandum of Agreement reached last July. Taal taught a First-Year Writing Seminar class before his suspension, meaning his working conditions were impacted by the University’s disciplinary action.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Re: “Cornellians Mourn, Demand University Acknowledge Palestinians at Students for Justice in Palestine Vigil”

If SJP cared about Palestinian values, they would condemn Hamas’s intentional slaughter of innocent civilians rather than suggest that Palestinians’ “right to resistance” includes gang-raping women and burning children.  If SJP cared about Palestinians’ welfare, they would call upon Hamas to stop using Gazans as human shields and allow civilians to flee Hamas strongholds. 

Students Stand Vigil In Honor of Victims of the Easter Sunday Sri Lanka Attacks

As the wind gently blew across Ho Plaza on Wednesday, it carried the voices of people sharing their connections to Sri Lanka and the people whose lives were lost on Easter Sunday. Students from all different backgrounds, ages and disciplines faced each other in a wide circle, candles given out by the organizers in hand.