MULTIMEDIA | CML Rallies on the Last Day of Classes
The Sun captured scenes from a rally and die-in organized by the Coalition for Mutual Liberation held at Ho Plaza and Willard Straight Hall on Monday, the last day of classes.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
The Sun captured scenes from a rally and die-in organized by the Coalition for Mutual Liberation held at Ho Plaza and Willard Straight Hall on Monday, the last day of classes.
The lecture focused on campus landmarks and different lessons Cornellians can learn from.
The only logical conclusion is that the University has a responsibility to take a firm stance against Joel Malina’s welcomeness to offering platforms to hate groups to speak on campus in which all identities and orientations of Cornell’s student body and faculty will be threatened.
Though students today might associate Willard Straight Hall with COVID-19 surveillance testing or free popcorn, the hall has a rich history of student engagement and political expression.
Okenshields delivers expanded seating after its merge with the Ivy Room, but students express continued crowding concerns and wishes for more food options.
Cornell Cinema reopens with dozens of educational and entertaining film options, drawing student crowds for the first time in a year.
Without cherished bags of popcorn and beloved study spots in Willard Straight Hall, Cornellians express discontent about changes made to the student union.
My fun fact is that I’m a popcorn person. Since I started working at the Campus Activities Resource Center (formerly the Willard Straight Hall Resource Center) in my sophomore year, I’ve ensured that everyone around me knows my primary campus involvement. I’ve been told that “popcorn person” isn’t a personality trait, but I’m here to say otherwise. In my four years at Cornell, I’ve been swept up in various things. I became consumed with extracurricular activities, fulfilling major and minor requirements and preparing for post-graduation.
“I’ll be damned if my children have to march for me,” sang the choir at the beginning of the homecoming weekend dedication.
Students were treated to a palate of free chili at Cornell’s 15th Annual Chili Competition in Willard Straight Hall’s Memorial Room on Thursday.