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Audience members reflect and write at an “Idenity and Politics” writing workshop in the Carol Tatkon Center.
The Cornell Daily Sun (https://cornellsun.com/author/jld73cornell-edu/)
Audience members reflect and write at an “Idenity and Politics” writing workshop in the Carol Tatkon Center.
Scissors beats paper, paper beats rock, rock beats scissors and all three break the ice. At least that was the hope behind Mortar Board Honor Society’s Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament, a freshman orientation event. [img_assist|nid=23750|title=A close match|desc=Emily Mcallister ’11 competes against Ben Reich ’11 in a Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament hosted by Mortar Board. Mcallister defeated Reich 3-2 in a crushing rock move in the end.|link=node|align=left|width=0|height=]“The tourney is a way for freshman to meet other freshmen outside of their dorm,” said Sonia Borker ’08, vice-president of Mortar Board. The finals for the four-day-long tourney took place yesterday in Appel Commons.
In the coming months, Cornell and the student-filled neighborhood adjacent to the campus, Collegetown, may undergo a number of changes ranging from the installation of a new traffic light at the corner of Dryden Road and College Avenue to the possible positioning of alarm sirens on the Cornell campus to the mounting of an electric sign board in a central location in Collegetown. These changes, in addition to the possibility of implementing a moratorium on new construction in Collegetown, were discussed Thursday at a Collegetown Neighborhood Council meeting at St. Luke’s Church on Oak St. The plans for fulfilling some of the recommendations of the Collegetown Vision Task Force, an 18-page document composed by Alderman David Gelinas ’07 (D-4th Ward), Leslie Chatterton, historic preservation and neighborhood planner, as well as the rest of the Collegetown Vision Task Force, prompted the discussion on the proposed 12-to-18 month moratorium on certain new construction and development in Collegetown. The Collegetown Vision Statement and its recommendations will be voted on for approval by the City of Ithaca Planning and Economic Development Committee in September and by the Common Council in October.
“Beautiful weather, terrific outcome of the senior class campaign, great speaker,” said President Skorton summing up the Convocation ceremony of Cornell’s 139th Commencement held Saturday at Schoellkopf Stadium. “What we had is exactly what I was hoping for.”
A Convocation ceremony volunteer, Kathaleen Mason, said that Convocation organizers were expecting 15,000 attendees.
Seats on the field at Schoellkopf — not the bleachers in the stadium above — were reserved for trustees, speakers and performers and the families of those involved in the ceremony, according to Mason.
Since January 2006, the Cornellian, Cornell University’s yearbook, has been undergoing changes to its business management.
These changes, which involve Student Agencies, Inc., have stirred up issues relating to editorial control of the yearbook, according to Jenn Sela ’07, a previous editor in chief of the Cornellian, and others on the Cornellian staff.
Playwrights Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee did not aim for a perfect representation of the 1925 Scopes trial in Inherit the Wind — character and town names differ from those recorded in textbooks, as the dialogue does from court documents.
Last night in the Council Chambers in Ithaca City Hall, the Planning and Economic Development Committee discussed the Collegetown Vision Statement. The Vision Statement was unanimously endorsed by the committee and is now scheduled to be discussed and brought to a vote before the full City of Ithaca Common Council on May 2.
My name is Jessica DiNapoli and I’m a senior editor for the Sun. I’ll be creating the Weekend Edition — an addition of 4 to 8 pages in the Friday paper that will have content relevant to readers over the weekend. The Weekend Edition is scheduled to launch the first Friday of the fall 2007 semester.
Two families with the last name of Frank fled Germany for Holland in the face of Adolf Hilter, Nazism and anti-Semitic sentiment and legislation. One family was discovered by the Gestapo; another family survived. Gordon F. Sander’s book The Frank Family That Survived chronicles these survivors’ lives, in particular that of Dorrit Sander nee Frank, Sander’s mother.
In the performing arts world, modern dance choreographer Mark Morris has a reputation as an enfant terribile—a French term for a wild child—according to Senior Lecturer Byron Suber, dance. Suber said that Morris’ eccentric behavior not only established the choreographer as the bad boy of dance, but also attracted undue attention to his work.