GUEST ROOM | Cornell Holds Sacred Mineral Rights: It’s Time to Return Them
There is no more time to be lost. Cornell should return mineral rights to their rightful owners and affirm their commitment to university values.
The Cornell Daily Sun (https://cornellsun.com/tag/indigenous/)
There is no more time to be lost. Cornell should return mineral rights to their rightful owners and affirm their commitment to university values.
Kassam articulates a hopeful vision for the way forward.
Climate Justice Cornell, Cornell on Fire and Native American Indigenous and Indigenous Students at Cornell gathered on the Arts Quad for a demonstrative art build and protest to support clean energy and the repatriation of mineral rights on sacred native land in Wisconsin.
In an International Women’s Day talk, Indigenous scholar and activist Michelle Schenandoah ’99 unpacked the historical disempowerment of Indigenous women, including in Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s ’54 legal decisions.
Ever since surviving my first winter here in Ithaca, I have learned to recognise the song of the robin (Turdus migratorius) as a welcome signal of spring. The warm trills vie with the sun to chase the snowdrifts back up and over the lakes, clearing the way for the brighter days to come. By Halloween, however, most have long stopped singing as they save their energy for the cold months ahead. Yet, as November’s first flurries started to settle on the Ag Quad, many of us gathered to hear the voice of another Robin bring light and warmth to a dark time of the year.
The Student Assembly addressed a resolution related to Cornell’s ties to the Ithaca Police Department.
Some of the demands includes renaming of Morrill Hall and returning University land in Ithaca that isn’t “immediately utilized for educational purposes.”
After refusing to leave Chase Bank, 12 people were arrested for protesting plans to build a pipeline on indigenous ground.
“We need to make space for Indigenous voices in institutions like this and we have to value and take seriously, Indigenous-led initiatives and going forward in institutions like this,” Black told The Sun in an interview.
The 2019 Ivy Native Conference, which will involve academics, fashion designers and indigenous students across the Ivy League, will take place at Cornell from March 22-24.