KEMPFF | The Driving Battle on Buffalo Street

I brace myself everyday for the feeling. Bump bump bump crash. 

It’s part of the daily battle that drivers in Collegetown know all too well. It’s the fight down Buffalo Street. Crumbling concrete and constant potholes create a dangerous mix that punishes my car’s suspension on a daily basis. 

This scene, unfortunately, is interchangeable with many in Collegetown. Driving in Ithaca can often be a challenge, from the lack of parking in the Commons to the constant uphill climbing. But a lack of maintenance on Collegetown streets, particularly in the area surrounding Stewart Avenue, is a major concern for student drivers.

Water all the people stopped on the road to Ithaca doing? The Lisle Spring water on NY-79 provides generations of clean water to passersby and locals alike.

Those who frequently travel NY-79 may have passed a clearing on the side of the road on one of the final bends. If you just so happened to glance over at the right time, you may have even seen people pulled over at the clearing filling jugs, bottles, glasses, whatever they could find, with water. Having passed by this water spout dozens of times, it felt like a crime to continue to drive past this spring without trying it and learning a bit more about it.

CHOUNG | Giving Back

If you are interested in building specific skills necessary for community engagement with a more traditional method, the Einhorn Center offers courses and engaged research opportunities for students to develop skills and earn certificates in leadership. Community-engaged learning offers a unique opportunity to directly apply the hard and soft skills you learn both inside and outside the classroom to real-world situations. Working collaboratively with community members creates an educational experience that allows both parties to learn from each other.

DERY | Leaving Town on a Chili Day

Though I have lived in Rochester for most of my life — and have subsequently attended school in Ithaca — this weekend marked my first local upstate New York Chili Bowl. Upon hearing the possibility of escaping our grimy collegetown house with a near-empty refrigerator for a sunny day in Oneonta sampling dozens of local chili recipes, my housemates and I packed ourselves into a compact sedan and hit the road.