SEX ON THURSDAY | The Thrill of Submission
I cannot remember the first time I felt the impulse to let someone else take control in the bedroom — it just started to happen organically.
The Cornell Daily Sun (https://cornellsun.com/category/opinion/sex-on-thursday/page/4/)
I cannot remember the first time I felt the impulse to let someone else take control in the bedroom — it just started to happen organically.
And by “Heroes” I mean the men you want to sleep with.
After a breakup, I found myself looking for solitude, for sex, for casual encounters. Now, I just want connection.
If anything, Tinder made me feel comfortable, and happy, in being alone.
I’ve returned from study abroad with some new sexual experiences. Heres what I learned.
I became over-fixated with my body; taking pictures of my body showed me how beautifully it changed over time. With every picture, I became a creative mastermind obsessed with improving from my previous attempts.
Was I alone in thinking we shared something special, even if fleeting? And now — what if I had video recordings of every moment we spent together?
I also swallowed, which was weird of me now that I think about it. I really wasn’t playing into the whole “I’m new to this” act, and it wasn’t even an act. Again, my first time!
I know group play gets a bad reputation from corny middle-age comedies and bad rom-coms. Don’t knock it off just yet though. I have always had good experiences while “playing” with others. It is just an organic process where everyone can have a lick.
Its one I’ve heard plenty of times before: “I won’t give head. But, obviously, I expect a guy to go down on me.”